Monday, June 15, 2009

what some rain will do

The rain really helped the plants get large. Here are our peas and potatoes. Also, a pretty peony, blueberries and yummy garlic scapes.

We planted some of Hungry Ghost's wheat seeds. The plan is to have the Pedal People harvest the wheat and transport it to the bakery for what'll soon be the best bread in town.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


There's reason to be optimistic. Our greens are looking solid. We will be eating them soon. Our peas and beans are strong, too. And our potatoes have shown a lot of growth lately. We've planted mesclun, cantaloupe, lavender and more parsnips (our first planting didn't fare well). Our carrots, mizuna and pak choi will take some time, but they will bloom eventually. We're feeling good about the garden at this point in the summer.

Monday, June 1, 2009

first harvest

I should have posted this a week or two ago. We had our first harvest, radishes. They're amazing.
I was also happy to find out that you can cook and eat the greens too.
Other news: there are strawberries forming, and the blueberries look almost ready to eat. If I could only figure out how to better use the digital camera, the strawberry photo would look better. Wildlife netting is protecting the blueberries from the many robins that surround them throughout the day.